Dream Atlas 梦舆图
The Shophouse, Hong Kong21st September - 20th October, 2024
THE SHOPHOUSE is pleased to present Dream Atlas, the solo exhibition by Oslo-based artist Chen Jinbin, featuring a new body of paintings created during his residency. With touches on themes of encounter and desire, the exhibition investigates the evolution of power dynamics in relation to shifts in intimacy and alienation, as well as activeness and passivity, while delving into concepts surrounding gender, sexuality, and the physical body, alongside masculinity and vulnerability.
Chen Jinbin's latest works explore the intricate relationship between the perception and consumption of images in the digital era. This relationship is characterized by its fragmented nature, which invites various interpretations and potential misunderstandings, influenced by factors such as culture, context, time, and the intentions of the viewers.
Numerous references in Chen Jinbin's artistic process are inspired by ancient Chinese poetry and Western classics, along with photographs gathered from his daily experiences. He employs a fragmented approach, integrating these images with others he has discovered or captured himself. By removing these visuals or collages from their original context, he transforms them into a state that exists between subject and object. This notion of ‘inbetweenness’ permeates all his paintings, intricately woven into the environments that encapsulate his themes of becoming and being.
In crafting environments that depict various scenes with his signature delicate color palettes, Chen Jinbin reveals a language of intimacy that deliberately avoids sexually explicit content. Instead, he formulates his own lexicon of desire, one that captivates the viewer's attention. In his portraiture, the masculine navigates a landscape of fluid gender identities, layering meanings that pertain to objectification, fetishism, and intimacy.
The exhibition is supported by Office for Contemporary Art Norway (OCA) and Tenthaus.
THE SHOPHOUSE欣然呈獻生活工作於奧斯陸的藝術家陳錦彬的個展「梦舆图」(Dream Atlas),展出一系列於駐場項目期間完成的全新繪畫作品。展覽以「相遇」與「慾望」的主題切入,探討親密與疏離、流動與靜止間不斷轉變的權力動態,深入探討與性別、性欲、肉體、男性特質與脆弱相關的概念。
陳錦彬在創作時參考了中國古代詩詞與中西方歷史典故中的意象,以及他日常收集的照片。他將圖像從原本的環境中移除,用碎片化的方式與其他發現或捕捉到的圖像整合在一起,轉換成介乎於主體與客體之間的狀態——這種介於兩者之間的概念滲透在他所有的繪畫作品中,錯綜複雜般交織不同的語境中,一同詮釋關於 「生成 」(becoming)和 「存在」(being) 的主題。
此展覽獲得Office for Contemporary Art Norway(OCA)和 Tenthaus的支持。